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UMC Energy Solutions Announces Partnership With Rockwell Automation, Invites Customers to 2017 Automation Fair ®

MIDLAND, Texas – UMC Energy Solutions is proud to announce its recent partnership with Rockwell Automation. Headquartered in Milwaukee, WI, Rockwell Automation is the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and information.

To solidify the partnership, UMC will also be presenting at Rockwell’s upcoming Automation Fair® in Houston, November 15-16, 2017. The fair brings together more than 10,000 oil and gas industry professionals with over 150 exhibits showcasing the latest technologies and solutions.

At the fair, UMC will be unveiling its newest technology, the Smart LACT, which will provide intelligent, intuitive and cost-effective LACT solutions for multi-well pad sites.

We invite all of our customers to join us at this free event to learn more about our partnership and how the Smart LACT can help provide more reliable data and lower the cost of operating LACT facilities.

To learn more about Rockwell Automation and to register for their 2017 Automation Fair® in Houston, please visit



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