
UMC LACT units provide a highly accurate measure of crude oil, water, or other liquids from the wellhead to the pipeline. Let us build a solution that meets your specific needs.
LACT Units

Custom-designed skid-mounted pump systems to meet the highest quality and durability standards for the oil and gas industry.
Pump Skids

Our certified technicians produce high-quality pressure vessels that comply with ASME certifications.
ASME Pressure Vessels

We understand you need a Vapor Recovery system that's easy to use and reliable in any condition. That's why we produce VRU packages free of operational and maintenance issues that can slow a job down.
Vapor Recovery & Gas Compression

Our design and fabrication teams have years of experience creating horizontal and vertical Pig Launchers and Receivers.
Pig Launchers & Receivers

Customized valve automation solutions for electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic actuators, designed with your special needs in mind.